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Woman in White Blouse
Finishing Line
Mother and Son
Embarking on Positive Change!


"In our search for better health, we often spend too much time with self-criticism. A Mile for Every Year allows us to embark on a positive, self-reflective journey. With thought-provoking questions, we get to examine our beliefs and internal conversations in a way that provides an opening for motivation and lifestyle change. What a gift to give oneself or another." 


-Karen Koslow, Marketing Executive, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Wellness Amplified

Help Reaching Your Goals!


“If your destination, or at least the next step toward it, is purifying your heart, mind
and soul, read this and take the advice to heart. No, you can't solve all your problems,
but you can address them and find the places, in and out of body, to keep yourself
open to the ideas, products, places and, yes, destinations, that can help you get closer
to reaching yours".


-Howard Schlossberg, Associate Professor, Journalism
(ret.), Columbia College Chicago, Sports Correspondent (Arizona Republic Phoenix)

Just Don't Give Up!


"I have been losing weight (down to a size 18 from 24) and feeling better going hiking with the girls. Thank you Candice Porten because your Mile for Every Year motivations are what inspired me to start trying to lose the weight and changing myself for myself."


-Delana Smith, Wife and Mom of 4

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