It doesn’t matter your background, professional experience, health, or social status - we all face situations or circumstances when we need a little boost to get from one place to another or accomplish our goals…. and those goals can be big or small and encompass any area of our lives.
It’s been my experience that many of us seek guidance when going through a challenging time, whether it’s talking to friends or family, reading books on a specific topic or articles on the internet - we have all been there, so you are not alone.
Accountability coaching is a resource anyone can take advantage of to focus on goals, challenges, or support with life changing decisions and diagnoses. Working with a coach can help in the areas of personal growth including organizational skills, time management, or even help establishing boundaries, to experience the healthiest and most productive versions of ourselves, visit to learn more.
The Can Do by Candice program can also help in the area of professional development, supporting you with such things as seeking for and/or landing a new job, acclimating to a new position, or even role playing before a big meeting. Health and wellness coaching is another aspect of coaching that can help create lasting changes in lifestyle behaviors, like weight loss or starting a new workout routine, incorporating more veggies and fruit into our diet, or drinking more water and sleeping better. What areas your accountability coach helps you with is up to you, but health and wellness is a component of all areas of our life, whether professional or personal - ensuring that our thoughts, actions, decisions, and overall focus are supported physically and mindfully.
I launched by accountability coaching program following my recent experience with breast cancer. While a challenging time in my life, I learned a lot about my own personal strengths, and through continued education and my commitment to basic everyday health habits, I am healthier today, mind and body, than I have ever been. There is so much to learn from the challenges we face, and I am passionate about educating and motivating all types of clients through the various stages of learning, living, and thriving - including those going through a life changing diagnosis.
So, what can you expect when working with our accountability coaches? You can expect your coach to spend time with you each week one-on-one, listening to you, and helping you reflect on what is happening in your life, while creating goals. At the same time, your coach will celebrate with you, your small wins along the way. Your coach should be a good listener AND a good problem solver and will be there to help YOU connect with your creativity and problem-solving side. Motivation and compassion are also areas where your coach will be there for you - your coach knows it’s not easy to change habits and make lasting life changes. Coaches should be certified in health and wellness, behavior health, or yoga and fitness coaching - and also be trained to work closely with your healthcare providers to ensure they understand your body and health needs and limitations.
Your coach will be there to lift you up and be your champion, as they help you find the champion in you! My accountability coaching program, Can Do by Candice, includes:
weekly 1:1 session
daily and weekly reminders (via text and/or email) based on your overall goals
weekly fitness and meditation classes
monthly and quarterly webinars digging into topics surrounding our health, wellness, personal and professional lives – cool and relevant topics
What you should NOT expect from your accountability coach - your coach will not have all the answers, and your coach will not be the one doing the work to make the changes in your life…. YOU will! Your coach will not force you to be accountable. Coaches are not doctors and medical professionals and do not diagnose conditions. BUT, as you learn more about yourself through your relationship with your coach, you will become more self-aware and more accountable of your decisions and actions. Through your coaching experience you will make and create the opportunities to uncover the life you want to live!
Accountability coaching doesn’t have to be expensive, in fact, my program, Can Do by Candice, is affordable so you can work with your coach for a month or up to a year, based on your needs and goals. I have clients who work with me for a month when focusing on a short-term goal like looking for or starting a new job, or a month of maintenance or catch up during their health and wellness journey. There are clients who focus on a specific topic or goal over a 90-day period, this is the most popular and typically encompasses personal and/or professional and health and wellness goals, including but not limited to, losing weight, communication skills, and setting boundaries.
The Can Do by Candice Movement Motivation program is also available to those looking to move more, helping clients start and design a workout program specific to their lifestyle and physical capabilities. Your input and feedback are a large part of your coaching programs, because your coach to help you focus on what is important to you.
Go to to learn more about my accountability coaching and movement motivation coaching programs. My team and I are excited to work with you, whether you need a jump start, maintenance support, or guidance to begin making changes as part of your personal, professional and health and wellness goals.
You have what it takes to be successful in whatever you want to accomplish, and we are here to help you embrace your strengths, values, and motivations, to begin making better choices to create lasting change and live your best life!
Reach out to me @ if you have any questions or would like to set up a quick 15 minute chat.
You got this, Candice
Author, Founder and Accountability Coach